Why Permanent Makeup?

What is Permanent Makeup... FAQs?



Permanent Makeup is a cosmetic technique which implants shape and color into the skin by using a specialized device.  This method employs a form of tattoo as a means of producing designs, shapes and complimentary colors to enhance a client's natural appearance on a year-round basis, thus saving them time, money and knowing they feel and look presentable at all times.


Permanent Makeup will precisely mimic makeup application that was done by a Professional Artist so that you may permanently acquire beautifully shaped Eyebrows, Eyeliner & Lips.

Your face will looks it's best no matter the occasion - be it Sleeping, Swimming, Exercising, withstanding rain or humidity,  your colors wont run, smudge or wipe off on clothing or coffee mugs.


Most women want a natural look and some may want a bit more...

With mutual involvement and your approval, your Artist will work concurrently with you during the procedure to customize and achieve the desired result that you have in mind.


For those with physical challenges (such as arthritis or poor vision), allergy sufferers to standard cosmetics, active Mom's or Professionals with demanding time constraints and busy lifestyles; No re-applying makeup throughout the day, no makeup smudged on clothing or Lip stains on coffee mugs, 

Permanent Makeup is especially liberating from the challenge of having to draw straight lines on a daily basis and will eliminate the struggle to acquire balance and symmetry on areas of the face.


Correcting these issues enhances facial features & adds to a more vibrant and youthful appearance. In fact, some people who have contemplated Cosmetic Surgery have found through Permanent Makeup they did not need surgery after all!  They often find many areas of concern were corrected through having the proper make-up "template" designed for their face!


Permanent Makeup extends even further into other industries to include Medical application by visually improving conditions including Scar Revision, Alopecia, Vitiligo, Port Wine Stain, Stretch Marks, Hair Loss,  Breast Reconstruction - Areolas & more!


Permanent Makeup duration varies per individual as each person has unique DNA, condition, age of skin, Dry or Oily Skin, lifestyle practices (smoking, sun etc.) health and Medication variables.  For some, Permanent Makeup can last several years; others several months... eventually clients return for a color refresh when needed.  The wonderful benefit is the individual receives a customized color palate/template making makeup application a breeze as it fades (true to color) over time until a color refresh is due.

Please Note: The photos on this web site are a combination of healed results and those that were taken immediately after each procedure...

  Because of this, some photos may show some redness & swelling and the 

colors may appear more vivid than healed results. This is the normal progression of Permanent Makeup immediately (but temporarily) after...


Who Benefits from Permanent Makeup?

Permanent Makeup generally is a 2-step process requiring two  visits (sometimes more) to obtain the desired outcome.. Depending on the procedure, on average it takes 1.5 to 2 hours.  A portion of this time involves a consultation of the Client's desired look, a discussion of color choices & mapping of the area being treated.  This also allows time for the client to absorb a topical anesthetic so that they are comfortable during the procedure. Typically our follow-up session requires less time to make in minor adjustments & lock in those final results!

How long does each procedure take?

Permanent Makeup generally is a 2-step process that requires two visits (sometimes more) to obtain the desired outcome.  Depending on the procedure, it normally will take 1.5 to 2 hours.  A portion of this time involves a consultation to discern the Client's desired look.  A discussion is held of the client's skin condition, life activities, health considerations, color choices, shape & mapping of the area that'll be treated. I also allow time for the client to absorb a topical anesthetic so that they are comfortable during the procedure(s). Typically the follow-up session requires less time depending on individual's retention and whether they have properly followed After-Care instructions..

How Long Does Permanent Makeup last?

Longevity varies from person to person depending on their lifestyle and factors such as sun exposure, health and medications, smoking, products used on skin, the individual's DNA and metabolism.

Is Permanent Makeup the same as tattooing?  

Permanent Makeup for the face is different from Body Art.  Body Art often uses inks, metalIic ingredients & stronger machinery whereas Permanent Makeup uses pigments designed just for the facial areas. 

Is Microblading the Same as Micro-pigmentation?

Microblading and Permanent Makeup by machine are very different by way of application and longevity.Microblading - while recently popular in the media, is essentially a hand-held tool carving hair-strokes into the brows similar to an exacto knife.  Whereas Permanent Makeup by machine is much kinder to the skin and will typically lend much longer-lasting results.
At Be Always Beautiful, a State-of-the-Art Computer/Machine Device is used that functions more like a sewing machine where the needle goes straight up and down into the skin liken to a dot-matrix model, therefore hair-strokes are being formed with less injury or damage to the skin.
Microblading is a semi-permanent tattoo process that lasts between 4-6 months on average before needing a color refresh. Microblading can only be performed a few times before it starts to leave scaring or possible keloids.  With the machine the implantation of color is far less taxing to the skin. It is a much gentler technique especially on mature skin.

Is Permanent Makeup safe and is it painful?

When you arrive to have your consultation, your health history is reviewed to ensure that you quality for the procedure. Not all individuals are candidates.  Upon approval, the color applied to the skin comes from a high-end pigment line approved by the US FDA and the procedure is performed with disposable, individually dispensed supplies & digitized, sterile equipment specifically designed for facial Micro-pigmentation - making the procedure quite safe.  
With strong numbing agents the process is relatively painless & for most it feels like a toothpick scratching the surface of the skin.

What is the Healing Process for Permanent Makeup?

Generally speaking healing is an individual experience however most people can expect a little swelling and possibly some bruising with Eyebrows or Eyeliner after a procedure during the next 7-10 days as the healing process begins.  Lips are a different skin texture, they tend to swell the most and may remain puffy from 2 hours up to 2 days.  The skin will heal from the top layer of the skin superficially healing first, gradually down to the lower layers of the skin - 2nd & 3rd layer healing in that order.  As those layers heal they will cover the pigment with mild scabbing that will push up & out of the top layer of skin during this time. The healing is likened to the texture of small fish flakes and eventually fall off and is very mild. You can resume regular activities shortly after the procedure.  It is advised to stay out of the sun, away from dust, no swimming or saunas and avoid excess sweating such as gym exercise the first few days. Final healing results occur about 6-8 weeks out before results can be determined as the skin is adjusting during the healing period and the pigment color will come and go during this time until the healing is complete.  At that point you will want to secure your second follow-up appointment also know as the "Perfecting Session" to address any uneven areas where the color needs to be boosted or adjusted.

When can I get Botox or Filler?

It is advised to get Botox or Filler after you have had your Permanent Makeup procedure or two weeks prior.

When do I need a "Perfecting Session", Follow-up Appointment or a Touch-up? What are the progressive Stages of Permanent Makeup?

Permanent Makeup is typically a two-step process... Perfecting Sessions take place generally 6 to 8 weeks post your initial procedure.  In this session we will address final details to your procedure to ensure its best final results.  This session is included complimentary to your first appointment and must be completed within the next 4 months of your original procedure.
A Follow-up would be any session needed after your complimentary one  within a year and a half time frame. you have up to 18 months to do a follow-up to freshen up the color and shape of your procedure and is half-price of the original price for the procedure.
Anything over 18 months will be considered a new procedure is subject to the current full price.