
Please Note: 

The photos shown are a combination of healed results 

&  those that were taken immediately after each procedure...

 because of this, some photos may show minor redness, distortion or swelling & colors may appear more vivid than healed results. 

- This is the normal progression of Permanent Makeup -

Comfortable Eyeliner Procedure

During any Permanent Makeup procedure, a topical anesthetic is used to ensure maximum comfort.  

This client is having Upper & Lower Eyeliner applied and you can see she is quite relaxed and restful. 

Please Note: The photos on this web site are a combination of healed results and those that were taken immediately after each procedure...

  Because of this, some photos may show some redness & swelling and the 

colors may appear more vivid than healed results. This is the normal progression of Permane

Tattoo Removal

Tattoo removal and correction for permanent makeup is now available!

Corrective Skin Procedures

Correct scarring with color camouflaging, Alopecia, Vitiligo, Areola revisions will be available in 2023.   


Crystals embedded on tooth. Clear, Birthstones